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Boise State to the MWC Add Comment    Jun 12, 2010

So it happened, even after all of the hoopla telling Boise they were not wanted, they really were.  Why?  I guess to let everyone have a positioning chip just in case.  Either way, they are here and the MWC is stronger and should have an opportunity for a BCS auto bid very soon.  Boise and TCU will start the season in the top 10, what more could be better.  Well, let me tell you.  Texas, going to the PAC-10.  If this happens, the BIG 12 is gone.  Who cares.  If Texas goes, then Kansas, Kansas State and Missouri could be headed for the MWC.  These teams are being left out, Missouri is not being invited to the BIG 10, and these other schools need to land.  These schools have either great football programs or basketball, or in some cases, both.  This bodes well for the MWC.  SO keep your eyes glued here and ESPN as we will look to see what happens this weekend.  Most likely, it will be mid-week next week as Texas meets Tuesday with the board of regents to make a decision.  

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