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BYU and the Flop Add Comment    Jan 31, 2010

So take a great game and ruin it.  Yes, referee, ruin it.  Thank you BYU for the FLOP.  You officially have stepped to a new low.  Bad enough that Mr. "Max Hates Me To" Hall had to spoil your big football win with the reminder that he cannot turn the other cheek.  Yesterday was plain sad for BYU as Jonathan Tavernari begins what is to be the next big cry baby play.  I quote here from KSL "Jonathan Tavernari in hopes that the ball would bounce off of him and Utah would regain possession. While in this act Henderson was fouled by BYU's Jackson Emery. A small scuffle ensued right in front of the Utah bench. The scuffle became larger when Henderson and Emery had some words and Henderson flailed his left arm toward Emery sending him hard to the ground."  Really, that is what happened.  So why did Jonathan grab Henderson's arm in the first place.  As Utah pays the price, again.  As we see, poor sportsmanship is let go if you are a BYU boy!  Sad to see, but keep going BYU.  The first hit on your QB during next years game will be enough to settle the score.

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