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Just in case you hadn't heard, BYU/UTAH rivarly continues. Add Comment    Oct 08, 2010

I know it's old news now but here are the dates for the future rivarly game as posted on ESPN...


In related news, Boise State is now off the schedule as of now.  Boise fans I'm sure will say it was from fear.  Blah blah blah, let them talk, then remind then the Utes paved the way for their bcs bowl games.  I'm just glad we don't have to watch a game on that stupid blue field.  I can't stand it!!!! (if you hate it too, you can always set your tv to black and white...just a suggestion)

As for the rivarly game, I'm not sure how I feel about it being in September yet.  I guess many fans will just be happy it's still happening, others might feel like it's gone far enough and the two fighting siblings should be locked in separate rooms for a while.  This much I do know, in the past I would watch BYU games knowing we had similar opponents and drawing my own conclusions from them.  Now, I just don't care.  In all honesty, I still think many BYU fans will watch Utah games, but as far as Ute fans watching BYU games...why?  With the recent changes I guess i can use my extra DVR slot for another PAC-12 game.


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