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Utah Basketball is officially a joke! Add Comment    May 04, 2010

Listening to the news, sports radio, watching TV and listening to everyone who is even a little bit interested, I have decided that the Utah basketball team has officially hit a dead end.  When your team plays bad, and then four key players, including the two highest scores leave the team, something is wrong.  Players, coaches, schoolnot sure exactly, they dont let me in the locker room, but something is wrong.  I would have to say that when a coach says the team did not play as a team, and leaves it to that, almost blaming the players; I say it is then the Coach!  It is your job Coach, to, well, um.coach!  It is your job to bring the team together, help them mold and mesh.  Maybe coach you should not recruit guys to play in your system when they would fit a better system, either that or adjust your system to your players.  You hear about Duke, North Carolina, Kentucky and other schools doing this all the time.  Learn a lesson.  Also coach, learn a lesson that you are the coach.  If the team fails, you have failed.  You have failed.

So the bright side, we are signing great JC players.  Is this the answer to the problem, I think not.  It takes a special group to mesh within a few months and actually make a run.  I believe if you, coach can help them mesh, let them play their way within your system; you may get us back in the top four of the league.  Can you make a run at a title, probably not, can you get back into the tournament, you better hope so or you will be done.  So in case you actually read this coach, I wish you the best and hope for you and the team.  I wish I could be in the locker room to learn about the team and you, but since I am not, I will just wish you luck.

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